Crazy Tales of Pre-Wedding Plans

Monday, 10 May 2010

Then and Now

I've had 3 serious boyfriends, my first was literally the boy next door. He was my best friend and I loved him so deeply. He was my first love and I would have given him everything, had he only asked. He was more interested however, in his X-Box and pot than me in the end. I left him eventually and I broke his heart. I met him again recently and he said he was still in love with me. He told me he knew how shit he had treated me and after 5 years had never managed to move on. That did a lot to make me feel better, but it was too little too late.
My second was, at the time so amazing. He was 23 and I was 17 and I was like, so grown up. Dating a real man, with a real job, with a real flat. I moved in with him and pretended to be grown up too. Along with this came some very bad decisions to leave college and have a baby. I was with him in all for 4 years. A long time and looking back the main appeal was the sex. He taught me that there was a thing called sex, and it involved much more than lying on your back with your legs open. I loved the sex, but when that grew stale, so did the relationship. I ended up breaking his heart too.
I left him for my now love and after just one kiss from him I knew. I cant explain how I knew. It wasn't a slow motion thing, it was a sense of knowing. Of rightness. I knew I would be with him and I knew I would marry him and I knew I would love him forever. He is mine and I am his and last weekend he cemented that when he bought my engagement ring.

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