Crazy Tales of Pre-Wedding Plans

Monday 24 May 2010

Crazy,.. I told you, see even the Doctor agrees!

Don't let anyone tell you planning a wedding isn't stressful. For the first time in my life I have had to go see the Doctor regarding my mental state! I have been having panic attacks you see, not good and anxiety attacks along with a load of other silly sounding stuff. Like me a lot of people think of stress as a lazy Get-Out-Of-Jail free card. People say " Oh I'm so stressed" and it means nothing. Well I am. Doctor prescribed medication and I have to go see a psychotherapist/ counsellor thingy. I'm OK with the remedy, but the actual anxiety is scary. I have never been this close to breaking point before. Sometimes I cant breathe and I shake...Well vibrate is closer to what its like. I cant think straight and my head hurts, I give myself headaches. I am breaking out in stressma and I just feel muddy and confused and tight and angry ALL the time. Its horrid. And when did this all come about...? Sine planning the wedding. It's making me literally ill, I could call it off...If I didn't want to get married so much. Health or happiness...??? Hmmmm

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